Friday, July 25, 2008

rocky mountain wonderland

Word on the street is that more than two people read my blog, so i figured its time to update...and i've got good reason to.

Right now, I'm in Lake City, Colorado, which has 450 inhabitants year round so its really more of a village than a city. A friend of mine has a house here and a few of my friends and I decided to visit before we parted ways for college. Its beautiful and amazing. The best part of the trip (notreally) was seeing THE Heidi Montag at the airport in Gunnison. She lives in Crested Butte and Gunnison is the closest airport. I tried to get a picture, but she's famous for nothing so I didn't bother.
Here are some other highlights of the trip.

Its warm in the morning and cool in the afternoons and it always rains around noon-ish. Everyone wakes up around 8 and we all eat breakfast together. Here's a shot of my cereal...branflakes, kashii, and blueberries.
I started running again and now have a blister the size of north africa. its huge, i don't know how i'm going to hike with it. but i will find a way.

Here's the fetus waterfall we hiked to.

And here's us rejoicing after our climb.

Here's the massacre sight of Alfred Packar, the infamous lake city cannibal. The ledgend goes that Alfred lead five people up the mountains and never returned. When the rescuers found him, the bodies of the other travellers were discovered with missing body parts and chucks bitten out of them.

Day two view from San Juan Vista.

There are lots of horse flies in lake city, so isabel figured the best way to get rid of them was the bug dance. i can't remember whether or not this was effective.

mmmmmmmmmmmm turtle cookie dough...need i say more? sometimes you have to reward yourself for being physically active with suger loaded desserts.

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