Friday, August 8, 2008

move it like that

tonight, i wanted a hot dog...but instead my mother, sister, and I piled in the car and drove to house of pies at midnight. and the pie was just as satisfying. 
if i really had to complain about one thing in houston, it would be the lack of good hot dog stations. like, you know how new york has papaya dog and chicago has super dawg? 
yeah, houston doesn't have those. 
otherwise, i've been taking my time in here and soaking up these last few days before i leave for college. 
today, i got a video message from my friends back in colorado, and i realized that i owed the internet-world a post. so heres, a re-cap of my last days in colorado. 

view from the mountain Station Eleven that i hiked. it was a nice 2 1/2 hours up and by then end of it i wanted to rip all my clothes off and run around naked...i think i was just crazy from the heat. 
smiilessss in the great american basin 
my best friends running through valleys
oh typical lake city. these sort of signs were in every store window. 

tiramisu....i could write a whole book on my love for tiramisu. i probably will. 

last, but not least. heres a little treat. i recently made myself a youtube account and decided that i might as well post videos on it. here's a vid of me singing cat power and playing guitar...mind you, i did mess up a few times, but i figured what the hell. if the comments suck, then i can always take it off. i really have nothing to lose...except, perhaps my dignity and a little self-confidence. 

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